Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: The importance of owl ambassadors

    2. Lesson 2: Home space and species

    3. Lesson 3: Age and transportation

    1. Lesson 1: Body language

    2. Lesson 2: Early socialization

    3. Lesson 3: The role of imperfection

    1. Lesson 1: Developmentally appropriate socialization

    2. Lesson 2: Step up training

    3. Lesson 3: The power of enrichment

    4. Lesson 4: Habituating to novel stimuli

    1. Lesson 1: Putting on equipment

    2. Lesson 2: Moving out to mews

    3. Lesson 3: Crate work

    4. Lesson 4: Flights to glove

    1. Lesson 1: Hard transitions and going backwards

    2. Lesson 2: When or if to start weight management

    3. Lesson 3: Talking about captive-bred ambassadors

About this course

  • $275.00
  • 17 lessons

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